More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things

Humans are capable of incredible things. By testing our bodies and minds, we can not only exceed our own expectations, but also push what we consider to be the limit of our species. Just tune in to the Olympics this summer and count the times you’ll hear the phrase “It’s never been done before!” Wanting to explore this topic further, Reddit user Anonburrsir asked everyone on the platform to list feats that have been accomplished by fewer people than walking on the moon (of which twelve can boast). These are the most interesting responses from the 4.3K comments your post has received.

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Fixed the Chernobyl leak, saved the water table for Western Europe. Three boys with garbage bags attached.

Dorkypotato , Mads Eneqvist report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things If I may toot my own horn, I am the only person who has accurately predicted a tornado in Afghanistan. I had to fight tooth and nail to get this forecast approved and unfortunately it was by far the best looking tornado ever. Someone low level luckily had a photo for me.

Ray661 , Tokuo Nobuhiro report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Joan Murray, in 1990, jumped from an altitude of 4400 km, his two parachutes did not open. He fell on a nest of fire ants. Murray broke many bones, broke almost all his teeth, but remained conscious due to the fact that he received hundreds of bites from poisonous ants, this contributed to a large release of adrenaline, as a result of which the doctors managed to revive her, after several years of treatment and physical recovery, Joan returned to normal life and continued skydiving.

ariella_cream , Thang Cao report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Alex Honnold is the only person who has ever free soloed (climbed without ropes or equipment) El Capitán.

I doubt anyone else will try to do that. Not only is it extremely difficult and dangerous, but there’s not much glory in being the second person to do it.

loading_chinchilla , Tobias Appli report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Perfect autobiographical memory is a medical condition known as *hyperthymesia*. A person with hyperthymesia could tell you off the top of their head what day of the week it was on any date they lived, what they ate that day, and what they did on that particular day. If they saw the news that day they could tell you the headlines of the day. It is a debilitating condition to have.

It is extremely rare and the diagnosis is often disputed. Only 10 case studies of hyperthymesia have passed peer review and been recorded in the medical literature.



Since people have been interested and some are understandably skeptical, a few referral links.

* A man who has been diagnosed with hyperthymesia, with brain magnetic resonance analysis to try to identify the causes of his unusual memory.

* A different medical case study of hyperthymesia.

* Profile of actress Marilu Henner and her hyperthymesia. Henner co-starred with Danny DeVito, Andy Kaufman and Tony Danza on the TV show *Taxi*.

* In book form, *The Woman Who Can’t Forget: The Extraordinary Story of Living with the Most Remarkable Memory Known to Science–A Memoir* by Jill Price.

double point , Kindle Medium report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things He died in a carbon fiber submarine with a video game controller as a method of controlling the submarine.

rapper , report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things He ran 100 meters in under 9.70 seconds (only 3 people have done that). Similarly, she runs 100 meters in under 10.70 seconds for a woman (only 7 women have done it).

Call to:

– Usain Bolt
– Tyson Gay
– Yohan Blake
– Florence Griffith-Joyner
– Elaine Thompson-Herah
– Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce
– Carmelita Jeter
– Marion Jones
– Shericka Jackson
– ShaCarri Richardson.

two 100 meters man , diaper report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Hit two Grand Slams in one inning of an MLB game. Fernando Tatis is the only one.

optifroculone , MLB report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Survive a drop of over 29,000 feet without a parachute.

Salsa: Vesna Vulovi (Serbian Cyrillic: , pronounced [sna loit]; January 3, 1950 December 23, 2016) was a Serbian flight attendant who survived the highest fall without a parachute: 10.16 kilometers (6.31 mi) or 33,330 feet.

Tough-Donut193 , Pixabay report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things As far as I know, I am the only recorded case of a rare type of tumor growing in my nasal cavity. The tumor usually grows in the nerves of the neck and spine. It wasn’t until they did a post-removal biopsy that they realized it wasn’t a more common type of blood clot. My initials and case number are in ENT medical textbooks.

Bakomusha , report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things In honor of being the Kentucky Derby today, only 11 people have trained a Triple Crown winning horse. There have been 13 winning horses, but two trainers trained two winners.

hannahbay , Daniel report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things He survived the rage. (I think).

Edit: Clarifying that I wasn’t referring to me but just answering the original question about something I thought less than 12 people had achieved. I was pretty sure that less than 12 people have survived rabies because, with the one exception I can think of, it has a 100% fatality rate.

dark helmet03 , National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases report

Only six people have gone down to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

dj65475312 report

More people have walked on the moon than these 44 things Only two people have ever flown the XF-84H Thunderscreech.

It was theoretically the fastest propeller plane ever built; it could have reached speeds in excess of 1,000 km/h, but was so difficult to fly that it never exceeded 840 km/h in tests. At the very least, it was the *strongest* propeller-driven aircraft ever built, due to its supersonic propeller tips. One of the test pilots made a single flight and was so terrified of the plane’s handling that he refused to set foot in the cockpit again. The other test pilot made 11 flights for a total of 12 test flights before the project was cancelled. Fortunately, the plane did not manage to kill any of the people who had flown it, making it statistically safer than a Boeing 737.

verd_meklar , report

Win a horse race while dying
Only one person.

Plenkr report

There is currently only one person in the world who has achieved a quadruple axel in competition.

vattisgoingon report

A man swam along the Amazon, Danube, Mississippi and Yangtze rivers.

Probst54 report

The same number of people, 12, have traveled the entire length of the Grand Canyon in a continuous push.

wheezinDaJuice report

#people #walked #moon
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